California Lifeline telephone service offers phone services at a low cost depending on your income. To apply for the California LifeLine program, you should call your phone company and tell you that you are eligible for the program according to method 1 based on the program, or according to method 2, based on income. To view the qualifying programs and income limits, visit or call (877) 858-7463 for more information.
Free Government Cellphones: can also help you obtain a free phone. If you are homeless, ask a local agency to help you if you need to use the internet or a phone to obtain a free phone.
The California Telephone Assistance Program provides special equipment to those who are hard of hearing or have another disability that makes it difficult for to use a telephone.
Call English TTY line: (800) 806-4474 or
Voice: (800) 806-1191
You can also email or visit