Welcome to the Peoples Guide Sacramento City & County
Welcome to the Peoples Guide Sacramento City & County

What are Medi-Cal Income Limits?


There are many ways to qualify for Medi-Cal.  Each program has its own income limits. It is best to apply through the Covered California portal to receive a full screening for all available programs.

Special Low-Cost Medi-Cal for Working Disabled Persons: If you are a disabled working person or are married and both of you are working and disabled, you can get lower cost Medi-Cal if if you meet certain employment and income requirements. If you qualify, you can eliminate your share of cost for a low monthly premium payment. Income deductions and exemptions apply, so apply even if you think your income may be too high, you can contact Legal Services of Northern California at (916) 551-2150 if you are denied.

On July 1, 2022, the Medi-Cal asset test will increase significantly for the Aged & Disabled, medically needy with a share of cost, and long-term care Medi-Cal programs from $2,000 to $130,000 for an individual and $65,000 for each additional family member. When the asset limit increase is effective, DHCS will send outreach notices to individuals who were denied Medi-Cal or who were terminated from Medi-Cal coverage for being over the asset limit during the 90-day period before the effective date. Providers cannot bill for Medi-Cal covered services provided during that time.  If a Medi-Cal recipient did end up paying for Medi-Cal covered services, they can request reimbursement from DHCS (Ask about a Conlan claim: see https://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medi-cal/Pages/Medi-Cal_Conlan.aspx

The asset test will be fully eliminated for these Medi-Cal programs effective July 1, 2024. 

