Welcome to the Peoples Guide Sacramento City & County
Welcome to the Peoples Guide Sacramento City & County

Almost ready to be Released

If You Are Almost Ready To Be Released

Sacramento Sheriff’s Department Property Warehouse
3750 Bradview Rd., Sacramento 95827
(916) 875-5651



SSI Custody Printout: Upon release you may request a PF11 printout from the Release Officer, which can be taken to Social Security for reinstatement of your benefits if you have been incarcerated for less than one year 

Health Care: you can apply for Medi-Cal 90 days before you are released

Expungement Clinics
Mondays 7 am, 915 Broadway, Sacramento 95818—line up for appointment 

Continuing Psychiatric Medication Upon Release: 

1. Call JPS at (916) 874-5222, leave your x-refernece, date released, and request to have prescription called into Primary Care. 

2. If you call early in the morning, you can pick up your prescription later that afternoon. If you call after 12 noon you’ll have to pick it up the next day. 

3. You will receive a 30 day supply at no cost to you. The Primary Care Facility is at
4600 Broadway, Sacramento 95820
(916) 874-9523 

